All of the colours from nature work wonderfully together; there are shades in which both a natural feel and elegant sophistication complement each other, and they sit perfectly side by side, designed to blend harmoniously into any environment.
In this composition, the shapes and forms of the kitchen come to life again through the simple use of powerful, vibrant colours, in a playful experiment with light and shade, and full and empty spaces.
대림통상㈜ | 사업자등록번호. 102-81-01153 | 대표. 고은희, 손병국
본사. 서울특별시 서대문구 연희로 142 | Tel. 02-330-6612
전시장. 서울특별시 강남구 학동로 314 4층. 영남빌딩 | Tel. 02-540-0706